
martes, 5 de septiembre de 2017

IF THERE'S NO TOMORROW - JENNIFER L. ARMENTROUT!!!!! Trailer and Giveaway/Sorteo!!

Hola a todos! Hello and welcome to the blog! Esta es una entrada muy especial porque mi autora favorita publicó un nuevo libro y seremos uno de los primeros en conocer un poco más de la historia! La entrada será en inglés pero quiero comentarles algunas cosillas para que no se pierdan de los sorteos!! Al final de la entrada les dejo más información! Don't miss it!


Lena Wise is always looking forward to tomorrow, especially at the start of her senior year. She's ready to pack in as much friend time as possible, to finish college applications and to maybe let her childhood best friend Sebastian know how she really feels about him. For Lena, the upcoming year is going to be epic—one of opportunities and chances. 
Until one choice, one moment, destroys everything. 
Now Lena isn't looking forward to tomorrow. Not when friend time may never be the same. Not when college applications feel all but impossible. Not when Sebastian might never forgive her for what happened. 
For what she let happen. 
With the guilt growing each day, Lena knows that her only hope is to move on. But how can she move on when her and her friends' entire existences have been redefined? How can she move on when tomorrow isn't even guaranteed?

Lets watch the trailer! 

So, when will this amazing book be release? TODAY! Yes, today, September 5th, 2017. In what formats can I buy it? We can find it in: Hardcover (U.S./Canada), Ebook and Audiobook! And the most important thing, where can I buy it? Don't worry, I got you cover! You can find it in the best places, like: AmazonAudible, B&N and iBooks (just click on the name of the page and it will take you directly to it!).
I bet you want to read some reviews! Although Jen is an amazing writer and if you've read at least one of her books, you'd know that! But maybe this is your first experience with her and you need more info!

“Beautiful, real, and devastating, If There’s No Tomorrow grabbed me by the heart from the first lines and didn’t let go until the very end. Teeming with toe-curling romance, fully-realized friendships, and nuanced portrayals of grief and healing, this book will forever have a spot on my all-time favorites shelf. Absolutely brilliant and unforgettable.”
--# 1 New York Times bestselling author Sarah J. Maas

“Moving and necessary, essential and powerful, IF THERE’S NO TOMORROW belongs in everyone’s hands. You won’t be able to put it down.”
--Brigid Kemmerer, author of LETTERS TO THE LOST and ELEMENTAL SERIES

“The romantic tension is portrayed especially well. The narrative’s true strength is its portrayal of Lena’s mind and her process of working through guilt”
--School Library Journal

Oh, this is Jen!!

Now, if you know me you must know how much I love Jen. I am always happy when I'm reading one of her books and I've read quite a lot of them haha so I want to encourage you to go out there and just give it a try, I can promise you won't regret it! You'll love the way she writes as much as I do!

Now, you might have heard that Jennifer L. Armentrout is hosting an INTERNATIONAL GIVEAWAY (SORTEO INTERNACIONAL)!!!!! You won't want to miss that! What's the prize? It's a SURPRISE SIGNED PRIZE PACK!! (Pack sorpresa de libros firmados!!). That's why I'll leave you the link right here: 
a Rafflecopter giveaway (just click!) No se olviden de entrar en el link y participar!!

Thank you so much, I wish you the best fo luck in the Giveaway and I hope you start reading "If there's no tomorrow" because I know I will!! And thank you sooooooooo much Jen for creating the best books ever, I love Daemon and Seth and Roth and I will love this book as much as I love the others!
Muchas gracias a todos por quedarse aunque fuera una entrada en inglés jaja, realmente espero que se animen a leerlo y que les guste muchísimo! No se olviden de participar en el sorteo y recuerden que no es mi sorteo, sino de Jennifer L. Armentrout! Si tienen alguna duda me lo pueden preguntar! Besos a todos :D

3 comentarios:

  1. Hola! Nuevo libro de Armentrout?? Soy feliz!!! Y cuando se traduzca al español aun lo estaré más, jajaja. Mucha suerte a todos los participantes!!

  2. ¡Hola! ^^
    Jennifer L. Armentrout es una de mis autoras favoritas, pero me esperaré a que se publique en español. Ahora mismo tengo unos cuantos libros suyos pendientes, así que no tengo prisa por leerlo.


  3. Hola!
    Muchas gracias por la info y participo, a ver si hay suerte! :p
    Un beso!


Sus opiniones son importantes!!